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Transforming Talent for a New Era

Transforming Talent for a New Era

Business-aligned and agile talent transformation

Deploying innovative models to measure learning effectiveness

Deploying innovative models to measure learning effectiveness.

Measuring learning effectiveness



How to leverage business analytics in an organization?

How to leverage business analytics in an organization?

Published by TCS iON Marketing
September 29, 2021

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TCS iON Digital Learning and Retail Industry Training

TCS iON Digital Learning and Retail Industry Training

Continuous learning to accelerate careers

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Reskilling & Upskilling in the Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Industry: Need and a Business Opportunity

Reskilling & Upskilling in the Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Industry: Need and a Business Opportunity

To ensure a sustainable growth of the tourism sector.

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Resolving Blue-collar training challenges with PAPERTM device.

Resolving Blue-collar training challenges with PAPER TM device

Addressing the challenges that requires a multi-faceted approach to consider the specific needs and circumstances of the blue-collar workforce.

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TCS iON Digital Learning for Healthcare Industry

TCS iON Digital Learning for Healthcare Industry

Continuous Learning for Better Healthcare.

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Digital Higher Education in Universities - Reality Check

Digital Higher Education in Universities - Reality Check

Digital Experience Gap

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How TCS iON Digital Learning can help scale innovation in the Insurance industry!

How TCS iON Digital Learning can help scale innovation in the Insurance industry!

Driving continuous innovations

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Pseudonymity: An answer to Assessment Privacy Concerns

Pseudonymity: An answer to Assessment Privacy Concerns

The Next Gen Approach to Assessment Security

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The Evolution of Adaptive Assessment

The Evolution of Adaptive Assessment

A deep dive into Adaptive Assessment’s transformative journey

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Artificial Intelligence - Interesting breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing

Artificial Intelligence - Interesting breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing

Published by TCS iON Digital Learning Hub
August 23, 2021

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Press Release

SASTRA, TCS iON launch online degree programmed in Tamil Nadu.

SASTRA, TCS iON launch online degree programmed in Tamil Nadu.

The Trichy sastra university has partnered with TCS ion to offer online degree programs in business administration (B.Com.), computer science (B.C.A.), and business administration.

August 11, 2022

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Grancolombiano Polytechnic and Tata Consultancy Services join forces to
                                            bring education to populations without internet access

Grancolombiano Polytechnic and Tata Consultancy Services join forces to bring education to populations without internet access

One of the reasons for academic dropout in Colombia is the lack of equal internet access to education. To reduce these figures, the Grancolombiano Polytechnic and Tata Consultancy Services made an alliance with the aim of supporting students who have difficulties with connection and internet quality, so that they can facilitate their learning process by accessing content offline through digital platforms without dependence on a network

New Delhi
October 4, 2021

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Andhra University Partners With TCS ION For Digital Transformation

Andhra University Partners With TCS ION For Digital Transformation

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization today announced a definitive agreement with Andhra University to help transform the Andhra University School of Distance Education (AUSDE) into a digital university enabling easy access to a larger number of students wanting to avail courses offered by the prestigious institute.

New Delhi
Jun 20, 2017

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Augmenting Professional Creativity through Hands-On Assessment

Augmenting Professional Creativity through Hands-On Assessment

‘Hands-On’ is a concept of ‘assessing by doing’. We all know the benefits it can provide in making assessments more interesting as well as retaining the knowledge gained for a longer period.  TCS iON recently leveraged it to solve business challenges of one of their corporate customers as well as to measure candidate’s capabilities more efficiently while recruiting.

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Bridging the gap between current item Adaptive assessments and our
                                            Multi-Stage Assessments

Bridging the gap between current item Adaptive assessments and our Multi-Stage Assessments

Education, the birthright of every child, is their primary means to touch success. Examination and education go hand-in-hand. Examinations judge a student’s progress at every stage, thus revealing any existing gaps.

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TCS iON conducts an event centered around how technology is shaping the
                                            future of assessments & qualifications at the Museum of London

TCS iON conducts an event centered around how technology is shaping the future of assessments & qualifications at the Museum of London

TCS iON is a product brand of Tata Consultancy Services focused on how technology can make assessments more authentic, accessible, reliable, scalable, and engaging. We are passionate about placing learner’s interest first and have created a 1000+ people development team adding innovations in the space of artificial intelligence, machine learning, adaptive and gamified assessments. The event was organised by the TCS iON UK team led by Nikhil Sharma, Head of Business Development, UK & Europe and was largely focused on shaping the future of assessments in today’s post-pandemic world.

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Automated Question Generation by Generative AI

Automated Question Generation by Generative AI

In today's ever-evolving education landscape, creating potent questions and delivering engaging assessments are very important. Fortunately, educators can now leverage automated authoring, a cutting-edge approach that harnesses the capabilities of generative AI to generate questions for learning experiences and assessments. Automated authoring revolutionizes question generation through item banks and text analysis techniques. The system thus offers several benefits while acknowledging many inherent challenges.

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