TCS iON Remote Internships

Steps to enroll
It is not easy to manage so many unknown students from different fields. The mentors have truly been tolerant towards us, and have been correcting us through their feedbacks. During this pandemic, we as interns had a great experience through this internship.It is not easy to manage so many unknown students from different fields. The mentors have truly been tolerant towards us, and have been correcting us through their feedbacks. During this pandemic, we as interns had a great experience through this internship.
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Ashwini Walavalkar
Institution: Vidyavardhini College of
Engineering and Technology (VCET)
Even though I only had a basic understanding of the topics of my project when I first started the internship, the reference materials and the webinars made the learning process seem like a piece of cake. The mentors promptly responded to all our queries and provided us with their expert guidance in each step. The RIO Support Team was equally helpful in resolving technical difficulties. Overall, the internship provided us with an enriching experience.
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Oishi Saha
Institution: Kalinga Institute of
Industrial Technology
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